Season 1 2024 Final Results

Posted by ABBF on Tue, Jul 2, 2024

Season 1 2024 Final Results


Season 1 2024 has wrapped up and its time to celebrate our deserving (and undeserving), winners.

First of all, congratulations to our Grand Final winner and League Champion: Evert Jan Loef with his Khorn team ALL THE RAGE!

Despite suffering a setback early in the season against Kharaka Killfrenzy, another Khorn team, ALL THE RAGE went through the season as the only undefeated team, finishing on 7 wins and 2 draws. In the process they also racked up the most Touchdowns and the most Casualties. Hats off to such a dominant season!

Greg Rammit was our other grand finalist with his Orcland Blues. These orcs also went through the season undefeated until the final game, 2nd place and best rookie is an amazing result!

The Cup grand final was a tight game, just going 1-0 to ALL THE RAGE in the 2nd half, (1-4) Cas.

The Plate final was drawn 1-1 (0-0) Cas, at the end of time and went to penalty kicks, which was won by James’ Huatl Hornets. Deserving?..

The playoff for 7th and 8th should have gone to the Gnartooth Gnashers, but ended in a drawn game at the end of extra time and also went to kicks. The Abyssal Kraken BBFC won the shoot out, but was definitely not deserving..

John’s Fangs for Coming won the Shield final 2-1 (2-1) Cas, over Wiremus Dirty Dodgers.

The Wooden Spoon was uncontested this season.

It was a bash heavy league in season 2401 and tough going for the few dash and agi teams that showed up. We have made some changes to league points for season 2402 to hopefully incentivize more TDs. Lets see how this effects the team composition in 2402.

And so, the Auckland Blood Bowl Federation Season 1 2024 Awards go to:
League Cup Winner: EJ
Runner Up: Greg R
3rd Place: Benjamin C
Plate Winner: James C
Plate Runner up: Toby J
Shield Winner: John W
Best Rookie: Greg R
Most TD: EJ
Most Cas: EJ
Wooden Spoon: Not Contested

Thanks everyone for another great league and we look forward to seeing you in the 2402 pre-season.

Dan, co-commissioner.